The most significant correspondence to survive the Krakow Ghetto is the source material for Karen Hartman’s ‘The Lucky Star.’
Read MoreThere are no victims here. The women do not want your pity. They want to be seen in all of their beautiful, tragic humanity.
Read MoreThe deterioration of New York City’s subway system shows us what happens when we confuse “social justice” for justice.
Read MoreAlex Edelman’s “Just for Us” is catalyzing an off-Broadway renaissance by giving us what Broadway isn’t: original material, heterodox thought and face-to-face conversation with those who scare us.
Read MoreNat Hentoff was concerned with three things: the Constitution, being an atheist pro-life advocate, and jazz music, with the latter being his primary passion.
Read MoreUniversity Musical Society’s “Fiddler on the Roof” strikes a shaky balance between ‘tradition’ and a changing world. In our new era of multi-ethnic casting, what does it mean to be a Jew?
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